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Lightarian (TM) Rays $1248

Started on March 12, 2025

This program will accelerate your spiritual transformation. By receiving the Lightarian (TM) Ray Program, a series of powerful, guided-meditation attunements inspired by the Celestial Masters…Maitreya, El Morya, Buddha, Sananda, and St. Germain…and by Creator, our Universal Source.

The first five Rays focus on the essential phases of spiritual processing. Empowerment, Clearing, Healing, Activation, and Manifestation.

The sixth Ray…called the Source Ray… focuses on lifting you further into the unfolding global-human ascension process.

The first five Lightarian Rays are a series of guided-meditation attunements…each creating a powerful and permanent connection for you with one of the Masters.

Each Ray is an “attunement event” that launches extraordinary “energetic processing” within your chakras, subtle bodies, and physical body…creating spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical transformation in your life.

Once this connection is made, the particular Master works with you energetically “in your etheric background” to support an essential aspect of your spiritual self-development.

After receiving the Ray attunements, you will accelerate along your spiritual path perhaps more quickly and effectively…and with more grace and joy… than you would naturally be experiencing!

The mysterious process of personal spiritual development is demystified and simplified into five basic aspects…empowerment, clearing, healing, activation, and manifestation.

Through the Lightarian Rays, each Master focuses on one of these aspects to create an effective, accelerated program of self-development for you.

Empowerment Ray
Inspired by Ascension Master Maitreya, the Empowerment Ray is the starting point for the spiritual awakening process and serves as a prerequisite for receiving the other Rays.   The Empowerment Ray stimulates a dramatic “spiritual wake-up call” of the highest order…triggering waves of energetic acceleration and vibrational change.

Clearing Ray
Created by Ascended Master El Morya, the Clearing Ray launches a gentle, yet effective “etheric deep cleaning”… stripping away all of your adverse soul programming, inappropriate belief structures, and undesired mental and emotional patterns.

Activation Ray
Inspired by Ascended Master Sananda, the Activation Ray energetically activates your latent etheric coding and triggers powerful, ongoing spiritual initiations…allowing more of your Higher Self energies to flow into your day-to-day life.

Healing Ray
Sourced by Ascended Master Buddha, the Healing Ray initiates a powerful process of holistic self-healing… returns you to a state of balance and alignment.

Manifestation Ray
Sourced by Ascended Master St. Germain, the Manifestation Ray expands your capacity for manifesting on all levels…opens you to attract spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical abundance… all to serve your highest purpose!

Regarding the progression of spiritual development stimulated by the Rays, here is our Lightarian perspective…

bullet Self-empowerment is the starting point for the spiritual awakening process,

bullet Then, the clearer you become, the more effectively you can heal,

bullet The more you clear and heal, then the greater can be your rate of personal energetic activations,

bullet All leading to a greater ability for you to manifest a higher level of Light in your day-to-day life!

Over time, the background energy work set in motion by these five Ray attunements cumulatively creates an ongoing, long-term program for a dramatic change in your life…with the five Masters serving as your spiritual guides…all in complete collaboration with your Higher Self energies.

How does the Lightarian Ray Program fit into the overall process of global, human transformation that is taking place at this time?

As individuals move along their spiritual paths, the five essential aspects of personal energetic development (as described above) are taking place. With varying intensity and varying pace, these areas of personal growth unfold within all of us. As we experience our learning and growth lessons in life, movement in these fundamental areas occurs quite naturally!

However, given that a divine plan for human, global transformation is dramatically impacting our processes, many of us feel that our preparation work must be stimulated and enhanced beyond the natural unfolding that may be taking place. For some of us, there is even a growing sense of urgency to accelerate this process, to more quickly and properly prepare for spiritual service during the coming times.

For those who find themselves on a “fast track” for spiritual development, their progression of self-empowerment, clearing, healing, activation, and manifestation can be enhanced by support from the five Masters via the Lightarian Ray attunements.

Lightarian Source Ray
Beyond the first five Lightarian Rays, we offer an advanced, ascension-focused attunement called the Source Ray…a connection with the energies of our Universal Source.

The first five Rays (with their focus on stimulating spiritual processing) serve as an “energetic platform” and prerequisite for the Source Ray, which creates a dramatic leap to a new vibrational connection with even higher levels of divine energies. 

These levels consist of highly focused energies of pure thought and intention which produce “all of creation within our physical and non-physical reality.”

The Source Ray creates a resonant, energetic connection for you with this band of celestial energies…focusing on “lifting you further into the unfolding ascension process” that humans and Gaia are experiencing at this time. It is designed to stimulate and support you on your quest for a more perfected and ascended way of “being and doing” in your day-to-day experience.

With this Training Program, you receive the Ray attunements for your benefit plus learn all of the necessary methods so that you can immediately attune your clients and train/attune your students. 

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